
How To Network

Networking To Build Your Hypnotherapy Or NLP Practice

Recently, I interviewed several hypnotherapists about how they get clients. They had various methods of getting clients, but there was one thing they all did. They networked. Networking is the #1 marketing tool for hypnotists.

For some people the word ‘networking’ means pushy, “salesy” or bothersome. So, how do you network effectively, maintain your comfort level and still get clients? Well, it breaks down into these simple steps…

  • Get your “elevator pitch” down.
  • Gather your tools.
  • Live life.

Your Elevator Pitch

The term “elevator pitch” comes from the idea that you often have limited time to interest someone in what you do. The length of time you have riding in a elevator with someone, for instance.

Your elevator pitch is a short summary of what you do and how you can help people. ‘Short’ is the operative word and having some mystery helps. You’re not trying to explain the entire history and science behind hypnosis. You’re looking for 5 – 30 second statements that will make those interested in your services ask you questions.

The mistake most people make in the elevator pitch is trying to sell themselves. I look at the elevator pitch as a tool for quickly eliminating those people who aren’t interested and arousing the curiosity of those that might be. Your job is to get them to ask you more.

Gather Your Tools

Business cards, brochures, flyers, T-shirts, buttons — develop marketing tools and keep them with you at all times. There are many times when you meet someone who’s interested in what you do, but you don’t have time to chat. You can hand them a business card — but only if you have one on you!

Depending on how outgoing you want to be, a button or a T-shirt that calls out to your ideal client and gets them to approach you can be helpful. You could have a button that says “Tired of Nail Biting?” People who bite their nails might be intrigued by your button and ask you about it. That’s when you give them a brief elevator pitch and hand them your card.

Live Life

Some successful hypnotherapists I’ve talked to have joined professional networking organizations. But many of them have simply networked in their daily lives. When they go to the grocery store, the gym, the library, their weekly knitting group. They network wherever they usually go.

If you’re a member of the International Hypnosis Association, there’s a more comprehensive tutorial on how to network in your member’s area. It’s a benefit of being a member. Log in and look for the “Networking Tutorial” page. You can join the IHA here.


Keith Livingston

About the author

Keith Livingston

Keith Livingston is the President and CEO for the International Hypnosis Association. He's been training Hypnotherapists and NLP Master Practitioners for more than 20 years, and has created, or co-created more than 20 NLP/Hypnosis related programs.

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Posted in Business Practices on January 17, 2014 by  Keith Livingston 0