Building A Hypnosis Business Takes Follow Through
If you have a hypnosis business, you’ve probably had the experience of looking at the calendar and realizing it was way too empty in the weeks ahead. When an open time-slot passes by without a client in it, that’s earning potential that’s gone forever.
But it’s natural for there to be lulls in any business, even hypnotherapy. Different seasons and events can have an impact on a hypnosis business, just like every other business out there.
So, how do you combat the dead spots and at the same time, do a better job for your clients?

You follow up, that's how.
But you're running a hypnosis business, and that means you are busy doing 50 other things, right?
How can you possibly expect to remember to contact a client weeks or even months after their session?
One answer is a tickler file!
A tickler file is simply a system for putting reminders in the future so that you can remember to check in with your clients and find out how they are doing.
They are used in sales and client services in almost any industry where checking in with customers/clients makes a difference.
Schedule Time To Follow Up With Clients - It's Just Good Business Practice
Whether you are just starting out in your hypnosis business, or you've been a professional hypnotherapist for a long time, it's never too early (or too late) to create a system, and make client outreach a regular part of your business.
Many of your clients will have had great results from your work together. Some will have had only partial results. And some will not have made the progress you (and they) had hoped.
All three of those scenarios are opportunities to book additional sessions and serve your clients better.

- Clients who’ve had outstanding results may want to book sessions to take care of other issues, or give you referrals.
- Clients who’ve had only partial results may wish to book further sessions to keep working on their goal.
- A conversation with clients who haven’t made the progress we’d like may reveal a sticking point that we can work on with further sessions. What's getting in their way, and how can you help them?
All three of these scenarios also create the opportunity for you to learn and get better at what you do. Find out what worked, what didn't, and what did your client like about working with you?
Don't forget to ask for a testimonial if they are happy with their results.
Is Client Follow Up Just About Marketing Your Hypnosis Business?
I have to admit, I felt a little funny about following up with clients when I first started out. I've never really liked self-promotion, and I originally thought of client follow up strictly from a marketing/sales perspective. I was running a hypnosis business, and I was a little bit stuck in a marketing mindset in the beginning.
After I had been practicing a while, I realized that client follow up was MUCH MORE about giving my clients my all than it was about marketing. I realized pretty quickly that I liked to reach out and see how they were doing because I genuinely wanted to know!
And I wanted to find out if there was any other way I could help them.
So, while following up with your clients might just get those dead spots off the calendar, think of it more from a service perspective. This is an additional opportunity to give to your clients, and to show them that you care about them.
Suggested Schedule
Here’s what I’d suggest for a follow up schedule, as a minimum.

- Follow up 2 weeks after an initial appointment.
- Follow up in 6 months.
- Follow up in two years.
You can use any calendar or reminder system that you like to schedule your follow ups.
Using a paper calendar still works better for some people, so do what works for you!
I generally schedule about 15 to 30 minutes between sessions, and I use part of that time to follow a specific process after my client leaves, which includes putting follow up reminders in my calendar.
To see a couple of no-cost or low-cost calendar options and a more in depth discussion of how to contact clients and what to say when you do, log in to the members area for the full article.
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