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Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Practitioner of NLP, Certified Master Practitioner of NLP
IHA Specialty Certifications
IHA Certified Specialist in Hypnosis to Stop Smoking, IHA Certified Specialist in Hypnosis for Stress Relief, IHA Certified Specialist in Hypnosis for Insomnia Relief, IHA Certified Specialist in Hypnosis for Pain Relief, IHA Certified Specialist in Hypnosis for Weight Loss, IHA Certified Specialist in Parts Therapy With Hypnosis
Business Name
Eternal Freedom
696 Beaufort St, Mt Lawley
Western Australia
Zip/Postal Code
Virtual Sessions Available
Member Bio: (IHA Member Bio is added by the member, and not verified by the IHA.)

I've dedicated my life to finding and mastering the most impactful knowledge and tools to help myself and my clients to live with ease. my broad experiences of over30years with clients (either 1on1, in groups, or virtually), as well as my own personal growth and experiences has allowed me the ability to hold space for you to uncover your blocks and patterns. I combine my intuitive knowledge and development, and blend this with my training and expertise in areas of energy reprogramming, hypnotherapy and neurolinguistic programming (NLP) to help live our best life now. when you become aware of patterns you get to choose, change and grow.

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